Axe Throwing Leagues

How Leagues Work


2023 WATL Season Schedule
Winter League: Finished
Spring League: Finished

Summer League: Finished
Fall League: September17-November 9

To have sanctioned WATL leagues we need a minimum of ten people for a team. WATL Leagues run for eight weeks.

Want to start your own league?
You only need 6 people to start a Mini league team. Mini Leagues run for 5 weeks.

Seven weeks will be for points and the last week will be reserved for a double elimination playoff. Axe throwing leagues will all be point based; you are not necessarily competing against the people on your team. Your goal is to get the most points over the course of the seven weeks. Sanctioned and non-sanctioned leagues will be hosted at The AXperience. For complete league rules please visit the World Axe Throwing League.

League Pricing

WATL League



Valid ID Required

Mini League



Valid ID Required

Practice for League Members Outside of League Play is only $10/hour per person!